Monday, January 7, 2013

A little about Us

Chopper is AKA Ch Sarron American Chopper...he is a retired show dog and is 9 years old. Chopper is a Belgian Sheepdog.  Gracie is a little Dachshund/Jack Russel terrier mix and is 3 years old.  Gracie is a rescue dog.  Together they are complete.

They are quite a pair. Chopper is the alpha and tolerates Gracie well.  Gracie plays her role as second in command quite well, being very submissive to jealous Chopper.  Chopper loves to give commands even to me.  We try to spend as much time together as possible.  They both are very calm dogs due to all the attention that they get.  They know that their opinion is valued very much and this helps keep them calm along with their walks.  It is important that I take time to tell them that I love them every day.  I know that they know that they are loved very much and that is the most important thing.

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