Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Chopper and Gracie are excited about our blog

Chopper and Gracie are so excited that I am cooking and taking pictures for my low carbohydrate cooking blog  I have been working hard on it and they have been really good dogs while I am cooking.  No jumping on the counter here!  They love to assist me when I am making the meals and taking the pictures.  They really know how to support their owner!  Of course they get to share everything that I cook, so they know that they are going to make out in the end.  They are such great companions, and I am so glad that they both enjoy cooking with me.  If you get a chance please check out my other blog if you are on a low carbohydrate diet.  I am trying hard to come up with some great stuff.  Of course Chopper and Gracie are rooting me on as they usually do.  Great job Chopper and Gracie

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