Monday, January 7, 2013

Parmesan Cheesy Eggs and Bacon

Chopper and Gracie's favorite breakfast, besides their kibble, is what we call Cheesy Eggs.  Here is the simple recipe for their breakfast:
Chopper is smiling after having his cheesy eggs and bacon.
Makes 1 serving

Parmesan Cheesy Eggs and Bacon

3 eggs (one egg for the dogs and two eggs for the owner)
2 Tbsp heavy whipping cream
1/3 cup grated Parmesan
Salt and Pepper to taste
4 strips of bacon (1 strip of bacon for the dogs and 3 strips of bacon for the owner)

Place bacon on three sheets of paper towels.  Cover with 1 paper towel and microwave for approximately 3-4 minutes.

Mix eggs, heavy whipping cream, salt and pepper until uniform color.
Place mixture in a skillet sprayed with oil, or if you like melted butter.  Cover entire bottom of pan.
Sprinkle the 1/3 cup of Parmesan evenly over eggs

Cook the scrambled egg mixture until cooked thoroughly.
The bacon should be done by now and can be placed on a plate

Now if you share it with your dog/s it should be that they have one egg and you have two....with the bacon....they share 1 slice and you have three for yourself.

Chopper especially loves this breakfast.  Every morning he is asking for it after we take our walk in the morning.  Sometimes he even barks at me and runs into the kitchen to let me know to hurry up!

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