Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Morning Schedule

Chopper and Gracie usually eat their breakfast kibble around 8:00 am every morning.  Then a couple hours later they ask me if they can go out.  Chopper barks in excitement the entire time we are getting ready with our gear on.  I wear a fanny pack filled with doggy bags and since it is winter I have to put my coat on and snow boots.  They both sit by the door to let me put their flexi-leashes on them and they usually have calmed down by now.  Then out into the cold.  They both don't really like the snow so they would prefer to walk on the sidewalk where there isn't that much.  We always walk the same way every day because we keep they yards clean, otherwise it is not their territory and other pet owners don't pick up after them and we prefer to walk in a "dukie free" zone. They do their stuff and mom picks it up to keep the neighborhood clean, and back in they come after smelling a bunch of stuff.  Then, it is time to act cute and ask mom for their Cheesy Eggs and Bacon!  We posted the recipe, in case anyone else would love to share their favorite breakfast with a beloved pet.  They love the Parmesan in the eggs.  We do this ritual every morning and it never becomes dull due to their enthusiasm!

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