Sunday, January 27, 2013

Chopper and Gracie's Opinions About Snow

Chopper and Gracie have differing opinions about the snow.  Since Chopper is older now he has changed his mind about the snow.  If there is a clean sidewalk, he'll take it over a snow covered one.  You would think that this Groenendael would love the snow....he has all of that fur and looks like a dog that would enjoy the snow.  Not Chopper, he really is finicky about things and the older he gets the more finicky he gets! He will venture out to visit a tree or two getting his paws in the snow.

You would think that little Gracie, who is so low to the ground and has very short hair would not like the snow!  Not the case at all...she loves it and runs around in it even if there is a clean sidewalk without the snow...she is always running in it avoiding the clean sidewalk.  So, they are complete opposites...and completely opposite in their opinion of the snow.  You would think that the big furry dog would love the snow, nope!  You would think that the little short haired dog, low to the ground would hate the snow, nope!

They are completely opposite what you would think that they would like.  It is funny to see the Groenendael walking in the middle of the clean sidewalk free of snow, while the little short dog with no fur is bounding through the stuff!  They are so individual and unpredictable.  They are complete with their opinions together!

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