Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chopper Can Tell Time!

Tonight Chopper amazed me.  Every night that I am home we make our last potty stop at 9:17pm. Tonight I was busy and not paying attention and Chopper started barking at me at 9:19pm to let me know that I had to stop what I was doing and had to take them on their potty walk.

Really...he knew within 2 minutes of the regular potty time?  He never ceases to amaze me.  I know he is really observant of our schedule and I try to keep everything as tight as I can so that they know what is going on and when it is going on.

He is way smarter than I give him credit for if he can tell time within 2 minutes!  I can't even do that.  Chopper is an amazing boy!

Gracie is a Hoarder!

For some reason I looked under the bed.  To my surprise there were a ton of toys and socks mixed all together under the bed.  Gracie wants to feel special so I blame it on that.  There were at least 20 toys under the bed!  I got down on the ground and kept pulling toys out from under the bed.  Some of them I could not reach so I had to use a spatula to reach the remaining toys and socks.  It took me over 10 minutes to clear the area out!

I don't understand why so many toys were under the bed in a very small area?  Over half of the area under the bed was toy free and that just amazed me.

Chopper and Gracie have many, many toys so this was not even a dent in their toy total.  I don't know how long they have been under there, but it couldn't have been past this last summer.  I don't know why she is hoarding?  I will have to keep a watch on that area under the bed for more toys and socks.  What a silly girl:)