Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chopper Can Tell Time!

Tonight Chopper amazed me.  Every night that I am home we make our last potty stop at 9:17pm. Tonight I was busy and not paying attention and Chopper started barking at me at 9:19pm to let me know that I had to stop what I was doing and had to take them on their potty walk.

Really...he knew within 2 minutes of the regular potty time?  He never ceases to amaze me.  I know he is really observant of our schedule and I try to keep everything as tight as I can so that they know what is going on and when it is going on.

He is way smarter than I give him credit for if he can tell time within 2 minutes!  I can't even do that.  Chopper is an amazing boy!

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